What are dental implants? What are they used for? How do you take care of dental implants?
Dental implants are more common than you think. They are used typically when a tooth is no longer salvageable due to disease or breakage. A dental implant is a permanent solution to a loss of a tooth. It is an attractive new artificial tooth with a great track record for longevity, and with none of the issues that accompany non permanent dentures and bridges.
The implantation procedure is as follows:
- Permanent removal of the tooth or teeth in question.
- Implantation of a screw (or screws) directly into either the upper or lower jaw. These are typically made of titanium and either shaped like a screw or are cylindrical.
- After the jaw has accepted the screw, then a porcelain tooth or teeth are installed.
Following the dental implantation, patients are able to eat normally and the porcelain teeth are as attractive as your natural teeth and even tougher.
Patients should be aware that dental implants still require excellent oral hygiene including regular brushing and flossing. In addition, patients with dental implants require regular dental check-ups to assess the continuing health of the dental implant and the gum surrounding it and to make sure any disease processes that may have caused the initial tooth loss are under control. Patients with dental implants are also advised to quit smoking.